Saturday, April 17, 2010

"I feed raw"

I feed ET and Lacey raw. I originally started it because it was *so* much cheaper than feeding quality canned. My cats love it, and are thriving on it. They eat 80% muscle meat, 10% bone, 5% liver and 5% kidney. There is a lot of science/research behind it, but the two biggest reasons behind raw is that the cats ingest adequate amounts of water (cats have poor thirst drives) and have less teeth problems (such as tartar) because of their bone chewing. In my opinion, the best reason to feed raw is that the cats poop once every 2-3 days, and it almost never smells. That's because they use nearly all of that goes into their bodies, as their food contains zero fillers or preservatives or undigestables (cats are obligate carnivores and don't need any grains or vegetables).

So for fun and procrastination I came home today and took some videos of raw feeding. Tonight they had some chicken breast and liver

I have to feed ET and Lacey separately or else they get very possessive and growl. Here is a video of ET enjoying his meal (which he actually ate quite calmly). Don't mind the awkward camera-turning mid video haha.

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