Monday, May 10, 2010


Things have been very busy. Yesterday I arrived home from my reunion out of state (huge thanks to Laura and Alex for watching my crew!) to an email saying that my 4 kittens had found placement! I had the option to take them to the shop right then or to wait until today. I opted to bring them right away. I had never been to this pet shop before, but they had about 5 adult cats (some from ACCT, others rescued by neighbors from the streets) and 2 cute crates set up for my kittens. We put Male #1 and Female #2 together and then the remaining 2 together. They settled right in, eating and drinking and playing with their adult cat neighbors across the bars. Male #2 was doing quite a bit of meowing, as usual!

So not being able to stand the bathroom empty, I picked up 3 post-op kittens this afternoon. 2 are littermates, the third was a singleton. They are now sleeping soundly and working off the anesthesia in my bathroom!

I emailed the woman who coordinated Ruby and Lilly's placement as it has been a few weeks and I hadn't heard anything. I guess she called the vet's office and received word that they all (meaning Ruby and Lilly and the other 2 kittens that were placed with them) had ringworm. Sigh. I guess they didn't know who brought it as they were all housed together. I doubt it came from my girls, but who knows. Very frustrating... they are now well out of that "cute" stage and I fear it will make it more difficult for them to be adopted. Thankfully the vet is willing to treat them and keep them there, so I guess they are being the sweethearts I know they are.

Back to studying. Ugh.

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