Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Diego Update

I woke up this morning to find another email from Diego's adopter. I'm just so happy for him. I went to the shelter to take the foster kittens in for their sniffles and saw that his cage had been filled. 2 lives saved. It's amazing.

"Diego has been completely charming. He's really a great looking cat, especially now that he's all cleaned up and brushed and relaxed. He looks like a little gray tiger :) We had a few friends over to meet him and he was sociable and sweet, saying hello to everyone. He's just so perfect. He comes whenever we call him, and is such a cuddler! He's exactly what we needed, and my boyfriend is totally thrilled with him which is great since it's his first pet :) He's found a bit more of his voice and has meowed a couple of times, once at the wall (I guess he thought he saw something) and once when we made eye contact from across the room and I said "Hi, Diego" :) And he is very into the laser pointer. He keeps looking for it long after we turn it off.

We are so happy with him. He's everything we wanted in a cat! Thank you so much, without your craigslist ad we wouldn't have found such a wonderful pet. I've attached some pictures of him being cuddly and awesome :)"

Below are some photos from Diego's parents. Sorry they are fuzzy- must be camera phone!

In other news, the Pen Pal who I was assigned is already being pulled by rescue! When I was at the shelter today I went in to take some photos of her and found the "Confirmed Rescue Pickup: PAWS" tag on her door. Yay for Spring! Hopefully I can be assigned another Pen Pal so I can get advertising before I leave!

1 comment:

  1. Hilary- That is so exciting!! It sounds like you found the most perfect couple for the little Diego! I like the new picture too!
