Today was cleaning day. After a quick trip to refill the cat litter bucket, I came back to do some major disinfecting. The bathroom where the foster kitty is staying doesn't have a vent/fan. I run the shower daily, so I figured that all that humidity must be prime for the proliferation of germs. So, I plopped her in a carrier, stuck her in the tub, locked ET in the bedroom, and went to work scrubbing!! I also did a little bit of reorganizing. Once the room was adequately dried and aired out with fans and windows opened, I let her back out. Even though she wasn't in the crate for too long, she was quite pleased to eat some wet food and ask for pets. She's fabulous. Her stools are getting much better which hopefully means her digestive tract is used to receiving daily foods. I can't wait until she starts packing on some weight!
Her digs for the next... 10 days! Note the comfy bed in the corner, and dangling Cat Teaser toy (which she hasn't figured out quite yet)! Note, the carrier does not normally live in the tub!
She does look quite skinny, but I am sure she will start to pack on some weight! Just was just a few days ago she was being force fed and now she is loving eating on her own and even scratches at the door and meows for more food! :) Keep up the good work mom! Before long, she will possibly be able to interact w/ET??!! :) What will HE think?????!!